Website Usability Services

Usability gains far exceed costs.

A usable website is transparent, allowing the user to navigate easily and smoothly, and to efficiently complete tasks without disruption. How usable is your website?

A usable website:

  • Decreases costs—improving your Return On Investment.
  • Increases users—meaning more people, more sales.
  • Speeds user experience—helping people complete tasks effortlessly.
  • Satisfies user needs—turning people into happy customers!

Do your website’s users ask you for information you know is available on your website but they neglected to find? Do customers phone you to ask for help completing a task that should be “self-serve”? These scenarios indicate that your website has usability issues. We can help!

The following website usability assessment services can help you to understand where your website is succeeding and where it is failing:

Usability Testing

Nothing tells you more about your website than watching someone else use it; yet, website owners and developers usually neglect this simple, enlightening exercise.

Usability testing can take many forms: a formal study with a statistically significant number of participants and detailed recommendations; a formal report written by an ‘expert’ who has reviewed your site; an informal critique written by an experienced web user; a spur-of-the-moment walk-through of your site with a friend. Formal or impromptu, usability testing glean valuable information about the quality of experience your website offers your visitors.

Usability Reports

A usability report is a formal, written critique of your website based on our review of design and functionality. We record our initial impressions, and issues we encounter on a detailed trip through the website, and then provide recommendations for improvement based on sound usability principles. You’ll not only glean insight into the issues that discourage your visitors from acting but you’ll take away a practical and workable set of instructions for fixing them.

Usability Studies

We can conduct formal usability studies that:

  • Test a minimum of 10 participants…
  • As they complete a set of predetermined tasks…
  • In a controlled environment.
  • Analyze the data from the user testing…
  • To provide statistically relevant results.
  • Present the results in a formal meeting.
  • Recommend both short-term and long-term design and functionality improvements.
Why Usability is Important…
On the Web, usability is a necessary condition for survival. If a website is difficult to use, people leave. If the homepage fails to clearly state what a company offers and what users can do on the site, people leave. If users get lost on a website, they leave. If a website’s information is hard to read or doesn’t answer users’ key questions, they leave.
Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D.

Principal, Nielsen Norman Group,

We Can Help.

Glean real insight into the issues that are discouraging your website visitors from acting.