Lance Armstrong’s Motto: Every second counts.
My Motto: Every word counts.

Accuracy—choosing every word carefully and omitting unnecessary embellishment—creates good non-fiction and fiction. Today, enthrall or be deleted. Every word counts.

As part of the protocol surrounding my first full-time job offer out of university, the president of a local high-tech company interviewed me for a technical writing position. He asked me: “What is most important aspect of technical writing?” I answered: “Saying as much as possible in as few words as possible.” He replied pointedly, “No. Accuracy!” I sat silently.

In hindsight, I disagreed. In technical writing, accurate information buried deeply in too many poorly presented words helps no one. Architecting accurate information for optimal ease of use requires understanding and accommodating the user’s needs and preferences. Presentation counts too.

Note 1: Since the writers’ website now calculates post length based on average “reading time” rather than “word count”, Lance’s motto also applies: Every second counts.


Note 2: This principle applies to non-fiction as well as fiction. As a result, I’ve republished this post on my Novel Website. See how it plays out there: